Niven Petersen is one of the two young men (Jody featured in the video below) that have joined our weekly Reconstructed programme. The Reconstructed Programme is a Social Media for Social Change programme started in 2008 where we use Social Media to reconstruct, impact and empower young men and women from Communities in Tension. He has been attending the Reconstructed classes for the last 3 months. With the help and collaboration of local community-based organisation Impact Direct and RLABS, Niven is progressing wonderfully and has achieved so much offline as well as online.

This young man comes out of a lifestyle of gangsterism and drugs and has been abusing drugs from the tender age of 12 years old .He has had many criminal cases to his name and in one of these counts he has been sentenced to a 3 year sentence to a juvenile facility. The courts have agreed that as long as he is participating in a programme like the RLabs Reconstructed Programme that he will be able to do his 3 year sentence on the outside and would be placed back into society.

One of his latest achievements was celebrating his 16th birthday with friends and family and being completely without drugs on his birthday for the first time in 3 years. Reconstructed Living Lab (RLabs) would like to commend Niven on this achievement and will continue to support him in the reconstruction of his life and the lives of many others.

Post By: Brent Williams

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