Yesterday, we as the RLabs team had a brainstorming session on a new campaign called: Do Good, Give Hope. The team were all graduates of RLabs at one point and are all now facilitators and mentors for the new RLabs champions on the rise.

Thanks to Colin Habberton from GivenGain for taking time out and sharing some pearls of wisdom on how to go about strategising and implementing our new campaign. As we are drawing to a close the 1st semester in the Academy the new intake has started already and registration opens up in a few days time. One of the RLabs values is that we are a movement of Hope. And by sharing stories of hope brings about change.

All our Academy training courses are provided free of charge to the community. We are really excited as the 1st Semester was a huge success and all the students are equipped and will finish the semester filled with hope and be empowered!

Below is a video of one of the RLabs Academy students sharing his story of hope.

If you would like to be part of this movement and in kick starting the 2nd Semester visit our campaign on the GivenGain platform and click on the “donate now” button.

The various options to get involved include:
1. Donating R200 which will cover 1 person in the academy for the 2nd Semester
2. Sponsor 5 students @ R1,000
3. Give hope to moms, teens and youth by your donation of any amount
4. Watch one of the RLabs Academy videos and choose your favourite by donating R100 and use the video name as your reference. The videos you can find on our video channel

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