Every second Friday the day has been set a side for RLabs staff development. The request for today was “Art of Mobile Counselling“. The facilitator for the session was Craig Ross he started of by saying that we wont be doing Art of Mobile Counselling because being the world first mobile counselors  we should know everything that a mobile counselor should have in his or her toolbox. Instead we will have another brainstorming session which we will compile as a Art of Mobile Counselling booklet and e-book.

The session of today was more about understanding the functionalities and icons of the JamiiX system. We also covered  the role that the Pro/Admin person should have while managing the Drug Advice and Support (DAS) exchange. Our Drug Advice and Support service is currently supporting more than 300 thousand people.  DAS is currently running from Monday – Thursday between 3pm and 5pm.

You can add our contact via Mxit:


Go to contacts: Select Jabber; Jabber ID = exchange identifier  das@jamiix.im; Display name  DAS; Accept Contact.

If you want to know more about the software that DAS is running  from go to www.jamiix.com for more information.

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