My name is Nazeerah, I grew up in Elsies River. Before I joined RLabs, I was a college graduate struggling to find a job to complete my college Internship, however, I didn’t have much luck. Interview after interview, still no luck it started to take a toll on my confidence. Each interview was different so I could never really learn from the previous one, I felt like I just had really bad luck on my side.

I then came across the Grow Leadership Academy program at RLabs and during those few months as a GLA intern, my confidence was boosted and I started believing in myself more and more. I knew that after this program I will feel confident enough to find a good job. I then joined the Yes Program through RLabs. I grew as a person since it was my first job and I always wanted to be more independent and not rely on anyone but myself. The Yes Program helped me to become that person.

As a Yes intern working at RLabs as a data analyst, it was interesting. I enjoyed learning new things and just being an employee at RLabs was amazing. The culture was nothing I’ve ever experienced before, everyone was friendly, helpful, and caring.

While working as a data capturer we faced some problems where we had to start from scratch because we captured the wrong data, just seeing all our hard work being thrown away and starting from scratch was tough. But we persevered as a team and managed to do it right the second time around.

Doing the Yes 4 Youth App activities taught me a lot about how to behave at the workplace and how to save money for my future.

My advice for the unemployed youth is to never give up on what you want in life no matter how hard it might be, you have to persevere you have to keep moving forward. For the future Yes interns, I encourage you to do the exercises provided on the Yes4youth apps, it might seem unimportant or boring but trust me, you can learn a lot from those activities and besides who doesn’t want to earn a little Zlto reward on the side just for learning something new.

My next step after the Yes Program is to further my studies in HR at a university. It has been my dream to work with people and train them for their position in an organization.

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