This past Tuesday we had another exciting Reconstructed session. We  opened the session with a check in this is where the participants say how their past week was and tell us about their social media experience. One gentlemen Keenan Harris checked in and said that he knew nothing about Social Media but since he is attending the session he is taking these skills into his work palace and the great news is he got a promotion and now manages some Social Media for the company.

We also handed out the invites to their graduation that will take place 6 December 2010, this announcement brought great excitement and the first question they asked  “whats the dress code” We also made the announcement that they will have a quest speaker for the next session Maron Parker “Whats Up Your Sleeve”. Monique facilitated the session and she introduced Skype to the team. Some of them did not know that a tool like Skype exist and some of the comments was, now I can call and connect with people across the boarders via a PC.

Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free, while calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a nominal fee using a debit-based user  account system

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