The RLabs Academy classes kicked off with Digi Kids on Friday afternoon, 5th September 2014. The students got to know Facebook and everyone managed to sign up for an account. It was amazing to see the excitement that the students had when we announced that Facebook would be the topic of the day.

The following day our Women in ICT Faculty said farewell to all our moms who were part of the Moms 7.0 class. It was a bittersweet day, as we could celebrate the victories of the moms, but unfortunately the course had come to an end. It was an amazing journey as we got to know all the amazing moms and they left with confidence that they could do anything.

The Photography class visited the World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey Park. They were accompanied by their facilitator and co-facilitators as they had the opportunity to experiment with different lenses and angles.

The Girls Code and App Development class built applications using the Hoja platform and they then had to present what they’ve come up with to their fellow class mates.

The Entrepreneurship class welcomed their second group of students to their first class of the course. Craig Dumont tackled the topic, “Life is about…” with the students.

In the Project Management class, the students were taken through the Project life cycle as well as what it means to initiate a project.

Overall, it has been an awesome weekend at the RLabs Academy.

We were once again granted with the opportunity to give hope. This weekend we realised the importance of a warm smile.

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