It has been two weeks since we last seen these Ladies and realised that there are only two weeks left for the Mom 5.0 class yet these women continue to show immense excitement and curiosity. In preparation for Saturday past we struggled to come up with a session that would satisfy their enthusiasm and curiosity eventually we decided to allow Moms to do what they do best Talk about themselves. We kicked started the session with a ‘normal check-in’ individuals were to rate themselves from 1 to 10 most women mindful of the fact that we drawing closer to the end of their course took the opportunity to shift the focus from themselves to express their gratitude towards RLabs for granting them with this life changing opportunity.

The topic that we covered was Info graphics an application that was built by a well known company called Intel this application serves to compress the individuals active participation on the various social media platforms in a form of a graph. The ladies were really fascinated by the colorful interface in contrary grew alarmed when they were not able to access their information, immediately they clicked on their open tabs and interacted on their different social media platforms with the hope that their graph would pop up. As a co- facilitators it has been truly amazing to witness how comfortable yet confident these women have become showing absolutely no fear to tackle the digital WORLD:).

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something you do it only when it’s convenient, when you committed to something you accept no excuses only RESULTS” by Kenneth Blanchard

It is evident that our MOMS have shown nothing but commitment:)

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