The Reconstructed Living Lab (RLabs) together with Entrelaces (Brazilian Association for Research and Projects in Education) are proud to announce the beginning of their partnership and the foundation of RLabs Brazil. The goal of this collaboration is to promote social transformation through the creation and dissemination of knowledge in order to increase the empowerment, upliftment and development of individuals and communities. Our belief is that the local communitry should be the main agent in the process of social empowerment, benefited by our innovative solutions and worldwide collaborative network.

Entrelaces (n.) / Entrelaçar (v.) – to INTERTWINE

transitive verb

: to unite by twining one with another

intransitive verb

: to twine about one another; also : to become mutually involved

— in·ter·twine·ment -mənt noun

RLabs Brazil Overview and Activities

RLabs Brazil works directly with the communities of Cantagalo (Rooster’s Crow) and Pavão & Pavãozinho (Peacock & Little-Peacock), located at a prime spot in Rio de Janeiro, between the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, on top of the hills, where the view can speak for itself:

SlideShow – Cantagalo (Rooster) & Pavão (Peacock) – Pavãozinho (Little Peacock) – RLabs Brazil & Associates:

Carnaval 2011 – Public School José Linhares – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Some of the Activities by RLabs Brazil:

The Project Factory

In April 2011, we opened The Project Factory in partnership with community leaders, giving personal assistance and financial guidance to local entrepreneurs. The first project launched was the production of ecological soap made out of recycled cooking oil. Our next step is to help the local bars and restaurant’s owners to get more visibility inside and outside the community bringing a new stream of customers including residents from neighbouring areas and tourists.

Job Placement Program

Developed by a team of HR professionals, economists and psychologists, we offer training, guidance and placement in the job market, creating a network of members, ranging from teenagers (internships) to senior citizens.

Math Reinforcement Classes

Strong academic fundamentals are important to increase job prospects. This program endeavors to assist the students of these communities in improving their math skills.

Re-activation of the local newspaper “Canto do Galo” (Rooster’s Crow)

The local newspaper “Canto do Galo” was first published in 2008 by the Community Association of Cantagalo, reaching a distribution of 2,000 copies in 2009. Since 2010, Entrelaces has been working as a key player in the relaunch of the paper, facilitating the interaction among the key players including public (government), private (business enterprises) and the third sector/social organizations. We are expecting the relauch for September 2011, with an initial release of 10,000 copies.

Our key partners are:

· Community Association of Cantagalo

· Federal Family Health Program

· Estate Security Program

· Youth Reference Center (CRJ)

· Women’s Sewing Cooperative of Cantagalo

· Ipanema Security Project (PSI)

. Atlantic Institute

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