First day for applications 4 July’14 9am – 4pm
Last day for applications 5 July’14 9am – 1pm Please note there are limited seats available.

Digital Faculty
Advanced Social Media (2 days): Saturdays 18th, 25th October
This course entails a much deeper level of understanding and exploring the various Social Media tools and is aimed at people who have been through an introduction course.
Introduction to Social Media (2 days) 40 seats available: Saturdays 4th, 11th, October
This course offers basic Social Media skills to the community to equip and prepare them for the more advance and Technology world out there.
Photography Principles (5 days) 60 seats available: Saturdays 16th, 23rd, 30th August, 6th, 13th September
This is a course aimed at people who has a passion for photography and who wants to capture those moments that will never be returned but only memories. This course is designed for any photographer just starting out and it was designed for the beginner and amateur photographer.

Digi Kids (6 days) 25 seats available: Fridays 15th, 22nd, 29th August, 5th, 12th, 19th September
This is a course where the teens are taught how to create accounts and operate on the
various social media platforms. They are also given lessons on life skills.

Web Publishing (1 day) 25 seats available: Wednesday 10th September
(1 day) 25 seats available: Wednesday 15th October
This is a course focused on the designing of your own website. Free domain included. (Pre-requisites basic computer skills)
Mobile App Dev (1 day) 25 seats available: Wednesday 22nd October This course will provide participants with insights into the opportunity of mobile technology and leverage the power and magnitude of the Hoja platform. (Pre-requisites basic computer skills)

Google Digital Artisan (2 days) 30 seats available: Friday 15th, 22nd August
(2 days) 40 seats available: Saturday 1st, 8th November
This course offers the learner to become familiar with Google and the various Applications that it has. (Pre-requisites basic computer skills)

Management Faculty
Leadership (2 days) 35 seats available: Saturdays 20th, 27th September
People are either born leaders or they become leaders, participants will understand the different dynamics and characteristics of Leaders.

Entrepreneurship (3 days) 35 seats available: Saturdays 16th, 23rd, 30th August
This is a programme that will provide participants with the guidelines in developing their social ventures and businesses. (Ideal for existing business and new business ideas)

Events Management Principles (3 days) 50 seats available: Saturdays 4th 11th, 18th October
Events planning are fast paced, creative, innovative and energizing. This course explores the principles that focus on the external and internal factors that influence the planning or the level of success for events.
Idea Generation (1 days) 35 seats available: Saturday 27th September
This is a 1 week (4 hour) workshop where they learn how to turn Ideas into Social and Business Opportunities.
Project Management (3 days) 50 seats available: Saturdays 7th , 14th , 20th September
This is a course that provides course participants with the process and guidelines to initiate and successfully complete a project.

Social Innovation (2 days) 35 seats available: Saturdays 6th , 13th September
This course is aimed at individuals and organisations that extend and strengthen civil society. It looks at new strategies, concepts and ideas to help enhance the work already being done.

Office Management & Tech (20 seats) available: Saturdays 4th, 11th, 18th October
20 seats available: Saturdays 25th October, 1st 8th November The course is suitable for anyone interested in developing his or her office administration and management skills with the use of technology and other online applications.

Women in ICT Faculty
Moms 7.0 (4 days) 40 Scholarships: Saturdays 16th ,23rd , 30th August, 6th September
A course that is only available to moms of all ages who want to be empowered and want to join the Social Revolution in empowering other women. This is an introduction to Social Media Course that gets you started on the various social media platforms.

Geeky Moms (3 days) 40 seats available: Saturdays 13th , 20th ,27th September
A course that is only available to moms who have completed either Mom7.0 or Introduction to Social Media during 2014. They are invited to continue their journey in the Social Revolution to empower other women. This is an Advanced Social Media Course that takes them more into depth on the various platforms.
Women Idea Generation (2 days) 25 seats available: Saturdays 16th, 23rd August
This is a 1 week (4 hour) workshop where women learn how to turn Ideas into Social and Business Opportunities.
Girls Code & App Dev (2 days) 10 seats available: Saturday 30th August, 6th September
For women from the ages of 18 up until 30 getting exposed to coding and building applications for Android, Mxit and Iphone devices. (Pre-requisites basic computer skills)

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    1. Good day Livano

      Applications for our Academy for 2016 will be taking place early next year.
      Please check out our Social Media platforms as we’ll be posting about our Application Day as soon as the date is confirmed.

      For more info, please email our Academy team on

      Kind regards

      1. Hi called ur office said they would send info on starting grade 12 fr my son. Have not received any info and closing date have come and gone..e mail
        Valerie/081 497 1404

  1. I can’t wait for your classes to start next year.
    The facilitators was very friendly and helpful,thy realy made a person feel good.
    Thank you guys keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement Nadia and we excited to have you at the graduation next month.

  2. Hi guys I would like to join next year to take up an course if you kindly let me know when the registration is for next year

  3. Good day Facilitators

    THANK YOU RLABS for providing FREE courses
    I really appreciated that the facilitators was very friendly, helpful and cheerful.

    If possible can you please send or upload (website) your 2016 course brochure.
    The reason why am asking is so that I can choose which courses I would like to do and that the dates don’t clash with one another.

    I would also like to find out if one of the courses provide training on how to do multiple links on a picture.
    If not is there maybe a facilitator that knows this programme that can show me how to use it.

    1. Hi Mecayle,
      Unfortunately, our Application Day took place on the 30th of January 2016 already. Please watch our Social Media accounts for when our next Application Day will be.
      Kind regards

  4. Good day

    I would like to register for the following, are there any seats and how do i go about it, principles of human resources and introduction to project management.

  5. Hi,

    I would like to know how to go about applying for one of your courses,specifically Office Administration. when is the next date for applications<

    1. Good day.

      Our next application date is 16 July 2016. You can also follow us on Facebook where we keep our community updated with all our programmes.

      Best wishes

  6. Gooday I’m a female age 41 with a good reference and verry usefull skills I would like to further my education and move in the right direction my goal is to get a certificate for event management and to start a small business in catering and events I have alot of experience and has been working for over 15years in events and catering.I would like to start somewhere if u can advice me with some direction to start a course or attend workshops il be forever gratefull.

    1. Hi Vanessa

      Thank you for your message and perhaps you can email and they’ll be able to direct you in the right direction. We do have a few small business courses coming up in the near future.

      Best wishes

    1. Hi Nadine,

      Thank you for your interest in our organisation. Please feel free to contact us for more information on how to get involved in the work that we do. See details below:
      Telephone: 021 699 1453

      Kind regards

  7. last year i was one of the candidates but i couldnt make it to the graduation but i completed the courses. so i would like to know if my certificates are still safe, and ready for collection? thanks in advance

    1. Good day Amanda,

      You can contact our Academy Team for more information with regards to your query. See details below:
      Telephone: 021 699 1453

      Kind regards

  8. To whom it may concern. Good day. I was told about your institute from one of your students and would really love to apply for second semester. It is my second year at home, currently working part-time, but real eager to study. Hoping that this program would be my foundation to better my current qualifications and studying further. Sincerely , someone yearning to learn.

    1. Hi Cayne,

      Thank you so much for your interest in our Organisation. Our Applications for our Second Semester will be taking place on the 16th of July 2016.

      Please watch our “RLabs” Facebook for more information.

      Kind regards

  9. Please let me know if it’s possible that can i join the Photography class on the first day of lessons?

    Or is there any way i can apply online?

    Please let me know as i didn’t know about this opportunity till yesterday afternoon and i’m working as an Intern so i can not miss work at such short notice but i’m free on weekends

    Regards Francis

    1. Good day Francis.

      Our Application Day for all our courses will be taking place on Saturday, 16 July 2016 from 9am-1pm at RLabs, 66 Tarentaal Road, Bridgetown, Athlone.

  10. hi what age do you have to be and what grade should have to apply for this course

  11. Hi people of RLABS ,I am Phumela Njili I have registered at RLAB already but I did not received anything from you guys that state have I been accepted or not .what confuses me is that ,the people that I have registered with have received smss and calls but I did not

    1. Good day Phumela,

      Please contact our RLabs Academy Team on 021 699 1453/ for more information with regards to your Application.

  12. Good morning.

    I would like to apply for the Mobile App Dev course and the Office Management & Technology course.

    1. Hi Vuyo,

      The Applications for our courses has already closed for this year. Please watch our Facebook Page and website for more information about our 2017 Application Day.

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