Just a few minutes ago I was reminded to do a check in with all the participants in the class and it was half way through the session that it hit me, I didn’t do the check in, but the evening went very well with everyone being very excited to learn more about Social Media.
The class was so easy, everyone was so relaxed and Gmail was the topic of the evening. Last week we created Gmail accounts for everyone and this week we showed them how to add email accounts and had them send mail to one another. There were smiles all around because everyone got it right, maybe not the first time but eventually and that was so rewarding. When the session was drawing to a close we showed them Google Maps and that got them all excited so much so that they didn’t want to log out or leave, some of them saying the sessions are too short.
All things has to come to an end though, in our case, only for now because all classes will not be happening next week but the following week so we are looking forward to seeing all participants in two weeks time.