On Monday, 13 April 2015, four members of our team went out to Stellenbosch to do Social Media Training with 10 Organisations at Remgro. The training took place from 13 – 16 April 2015.
The training was specifically designed for each organisations’ social media needs and with the assistance of the SOS team they were able to successfully develop a plan that addresses each of their needs. This plan was presented as suggestions which the organisation could then decide whether they would follow through with or not.
The week was really successful as we not only got to know about each organisation, but we were also able to show them how to let more people know about the amazing things they’re doing. The following organisations took part in the training:
- Ma Africa Foundation
- STOP – Stop Trafficking of People
- Helderberg Association of People with Disabilities
- Eduvate
- Setjhaba Youth Awareness
- Pinotage Youth Development Academy
- New Beginnings Rural Empowerment Projects
- The Green Door
- Imbadu Ma-Afrika Development Consortium
- Straatlig
We are definitely looking forward to following the amazing things that they’re doing “online”.