In the past week the Interns at RLabs were given a task to do as a team, this needing all their input and ideas that would go into completing the task successfully. It was asked of them to design their own GROW Poster for the next Winter Bootcamp that will be taking place on the 9th – 13th July 2012 at RLabs.

For this task each person was given a role to play within the group which they decided among themselves.


The presentation of the poster was presented today in the creative space by the group of Interns and superb work came back, not one but two Posters were designed because of various tastes and interests, also considering if it would  needed to be printed out for the actual day of the event. “It took us 1 day to gather content and 1 day to design the poster”, said Stephan William (Team Leader).

The importance of this task is for them to see the significance of working in a group because out in the business world it is constantly expected of us to get through group dynamics and still produce excellent work.

Well done to the new artisans! 🙂

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