The Kujali Caregivers 2.0 group graduated just over a week ago. They were introduced to social media and started playing on various social networks. But […]
Caregiver 2.0 Graduation Day
The ladies who work as Home based carers for the YMCA in Athlone , did a five week course at RLabs. They were introduced to […]
Caregivers 2.0 even on YouTube
The Kujali Caregivers 2.0 group graduated just over a week ago. They were introduced to social media and started playing on various social networks. But […]
Blogging for the Bloggers
Yesterday was one of the most exciting days for the Kujali Caregivers 2.0. The home based carers went through a series of Social Media training […]
Caregiver 2.0 – goes Blogging
Today is the 3rd day of training for the caregivers of the Athlone YMCA. For the past 2 weeks the women were introduced to the […]
YMCA Caregiver 2.0
This morning was the start of the YMCA Caregiver 2.0 Kujali training. The caregivers came in full force and were ready for the morning. When […]
Caregiver 2.0
This is an exciting time for the Kujali Project. Wednesday, 15 September 2010 the Kujali Project Home Based Healthcare is introducing Home Based Carers from […]
Kujali wins at IST Africa Conference
After a very productive week at the conference with the Socio-Tech team presenting 3 papers and participating in the e-Health Forum, more exciting news were […]
Kujali: Mobile Application for Home-based healthcare
Over the past few weeks RLabs have been part of a project with CPUT Innovation Hub to develop a Mobile Application for Home Based HealthCare […]