Live with Rene’ Parker hosted by Althea and Christine for an exhilarating discussion. The RLabs theme for the year is expansion. The definition of expansion would be the act of becoming more extensive.
Rene’ shares her experience of being on BBC world news’ business report segment. She speaks of her excitement to share about RLabs and just seeing the graphics read Cape Town South Africa and Cape Flats. “Having a chance to share about RLabs and the work that we do is always great because it’s not just for us. It’s for the communities we serve or the people that are not able to sit and be on television…That is why we go to great lengths to get these interviews and exposure. It’s not just for RLabs…”
The role people play within RLabs.
“The world’s most underutilized resources are people and our main purpose for RLabs is to unlock the potential in people.” Rene’ regales on the uniqueness of people and humanity, like empathy and the different personalities and ideas and identities in people, being able to make a difference with the work she is privileged to do because of those unique things and the unique interactions those things create. “We can’t change the world but we can change one person’s world.”
Althea further affirms Rene’s remarks by quoting the African proverb that says “If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far go together.” The proverb displays the human need to push one another further and reach new goals together.
RLabs 2022

Rene’ mentions some of the reflections that took place at the start of the year with the broad RLabs team. The reflections include what was done last year. “You get so busy and you’re doing all these things and you think you’re making strides and you think you’re doing something but only when you stop and reflect do you see the magnitude of what you’ve done and allow yourself to build on top of it at the same time.” Rene’ reflects on Rlabs tackling pandemics, moving all courses to the online format and the resilience of people to adapt to the new methods of doing things.
Rene’ speaks on the new generation of young people and the open-mindedness of the young people. The way they think and approach things differently. Young people break the negative connotations that are associated with being a young person in South Africa.
An exuberant discussion brings to light themes of the future and young people and the ever-present year theme of RLabs being expansion.
For the full discussion: