One of the exciting partnerships that RLabs have had through the World Bank Innovation Fair has been with Unfreemedia who’s goal is to overcome censorship with independent, investigative and frontline journalism. This amazing movement is spearheaded by the inspiring and experienced editor Leonard Doyle (@LeonardDoyle)who is based in Washngton, DC. He is a former foreign editor of The Independent (UK) and The Observer (UK), and he leads a network of correspondents in some of the most troubled spots around the world. Unfreemedia operate in and around some of the world’s most repressive places, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Iran, Burma, Tibet and Ethiopia. Through our partnership with Leonard and the team we hope to establish stronger partnerships as we give real stories independent and frontline journalism on the ground by the people for the world.

Below is a video Leonard and the Unfreemedia team released on his trip to the Reconstructed Living Lab (RLabs) and visiting some of the spots where Clinton Liederman (featured in the video) and The Reconstructed spent their early days.

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